SB NEWSLIN @ ALLBBS $NLIN.980 Amateur Radio Newsline #980 26 May 1996 The Newsline Information and Copyright Notice is now published seperately every month. Please read this notice before using any part of Newsline in any manner. For a copy of the notice e-mail or netmail Steve Coletti @ 1:278/230 on Fidonet. Reformated to use fewer lines. NEWSLINE RADIO - CBBS EDITION #980 - 05/25/96 (*************************************************) (* *) (* A M A T E U R *) (* *) (* R A D I O *) (* *) (* N E W S L I N E *) (* *) (*************************************************) The following is late news about Amateur Radio for Radio Amateurs as prepared from NEWSLINE RADIO scripts by the staff of the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE, INC., formerly the WESTLINK RADIO NETWORK. Amateur Radio Newsline is a audio news service distributed via telephone. This hardcopy version is produced by Dale Cary - WD0AKO from scripts provided to him weekly by Newsline. It is then distributed to on-line services, bbs networks and internet user jointly by Dale Cary and Steve Coletti. Editorial comments, news item and all other business should be directed to: Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF Newsline Producer & Editor Internet E-mail: MCI E-mail: WESTRADIO Phone: (805) 296-7180 Fax: (805) 296-7180 (Fax senders wait for voice prompt.) Hardcopy comments or complements can be directed to: Dale Cary, WD0AKO Hardcopy Distribution for Newsline Internet E-mail: Phone: (218) 236-6324 The audio version of Newsline can be recorded from one of the currently operating lines listed below. This list is kept as accurate as possible. If any changes are not listed, please contact Dale Cary, WD0AKO at the above listed addresses. Audio Version of Newsline ========================= Los Angeles........................ (213) 462-0008 Los Angeles (Instant Update Line).. (805) 296-2407 Seattle............................ (206) 368-3969 Seattle............................ 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For further information about the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE, please write to us with an S.A.S.E. at: NEWSLINE c/o Andy Jarema-N6TCQ P.O.Box 660937 Arcadia, CA 91066 Thank You, NEWSLINE (************************************************** Some of the hams of AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE: WA6ITF WB6MQV WB6FDF K6DUE W6RCL N6AHU N6AWE N6TCQ K6PGX N6PNY KU8R N8DTN W9JUV KC9RP K9XI KB4KCH KC5UD KC0HF G8AUU WD0AKO DJ0QN and many others in the United States and around the globe!!! (************************************************** [980] Newsline report number 980 with a release date of Friday May 24 1996 to follow. The following is a QST From the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio, site of Hamvention '96 this is Newsline. Under bright and sunny skies, the 1996 Dayton Hamvention opened at noon on Friday May the 17th. Almost in the wink of an eye, the many exhibit venues inside this giant complex were transformed into one of the largest private radio exhibitions in the world. It is estimated that well over 30,000 radio amateur from across the nation and around the world made there way to Dayton for this years outing. People like these: "It has been a wonderful Hamvention!" "Hopefully a lot of bargains." "It's been wonderful. Whoever's in charge of the weather deserves a lot of credit this year." "The flea market was really good this year. A lot of bargains on the last day. A lot of people went down to 50% price to clear their items. But there was a good selection at the flea market and I didn't get to see it all." "We come every year, all three days." "I thought it was warm and beautiful, it was a great show." "I've enjoyed it. My feet are hurting. I'm ready to go home." What does the Hamvention look like to those who are in charge? That's the question we put to its General Chairman Ken Allen, KB8KE: "This is the first year with the new date. Kind of an experiment. I think it worked out ok. It remains to be seen yet. I don't have the final attendance count, but all in all I think it was pretty good. Asked the question last night at the banquet who was in favor, who favored the change in dates. It was overwhelming in favor of it, so. It has gone real well. Warm weather, dry. We were scared to death. It was wet as all get out for most of the week before. This years Hamvention has gone real smoothly, I think." KB8KE As is usually the case, there is lots of new equipment on display. Some exhibit areas are so crowded that it takes close to a half hour just to get close enough to see and touch some of the gear. Even this cannot dampen the enthusiasm of those who had traveled from the farthest corners of the globe just to be a part of Hamvention '96. "We judge it by the number of hats we go through. Last year 22,000 hats and we carried some home. This year 22,000 hats, they were gone by 9:30 this morning." Forums and technical sessions are an important part of any Dayton Hamvention and in 1996 there is an over abundance of them. In fact, there are so many sessions that a fair number of them are being held off campus -- away from the Hara Arena over at Meadowdale High School some two miles away. The Hamvention planners are providing bus transportation for those wanting to attend an off site session. "As you can see, we were over at the MARS folks. We have had a good crowd coming here. We've given a lot of information. Got a lot of people signing up. It's been a great Hamvention." Also in the public spotlight was the American Radio Relay League. While Dayton is not an ARRL sanctioned event, its size make it a must attend for the League as well as national societies representing other nations as well. (***** STAFFORD ON NEW ORLEANS The ARRL -- or at least one of its leaders is making news here at Hamvention '96. ARRL President Rod Stafford, KB6ZV took the opportunity of the Hamventions' ARRL forum to congratulate the FCC on its action in a New Orleans rules violation case. At the same time President Stafford told the FCC that hams expect the government to do a lot more in dealing with the most egregious offenders: "The Foret case down in New Orleans was very encouraging. Encouraging in a number of, for a number reasons. First of all it was encouraging because it has been an ongoing case for several years. And it was nice to see the FCC finally do something about it. It was also encouraging that Mr. Foret has given up his amateur license. He can never apply for an amateur license, CB license. He will never talk on any transmitter was the terms of the settlement agreement. And also what I think was kind of interesting, was the fact the he would give testimony that helped the FCC in getting some of the other people involved in the jamming down. So we were very happy to see the move on Mr. Foret's case. I was in Washington, D.C. about a week and a half ago, two weeks ago, and the FCC people that I talked to were very pleased with the action that had been taken. I quickly reminded them that was nice, but you got to remember that their are other people involved in the same sort of activity. We need to have more of that same enforcement activity take place." KB6ZV A lot of people in Washington and in the ham radio community appear to agree strongly with President Stafford. In fact, most FCC watchers believe that several new attorneys working for the enforcement branch of the FCC are already at work preparing the case work to get other alleged rules violators off the air. More on this story in future Newsline reports. (***** George Wilson, W4OYI Speaking about the ARRL, the 1996 Hamvention marks the first public appearance of former League President George S. Wilson, W4OYI. As regular listeners know, about a year and a half ago, President Wilson suffered a massive stroke while in Washington, D.C. on League business. Last summer George tendered his resignation so that he could devote all of his time and energy to his rehabilitation. One of the goals that he had set for himself was to attend Hamvention '96. Needless to say, George Wilson, W4OYI made it. And at the Saturday night awards banquet three well known hams were honored for their contributions to the Amateur Radio service. Radio Amateur of the year is Bill Tynan, W3XO. Bill is the current President of AMSAT North America and his acceptance speech was well received. "Satellites, of course will be in the forefront of developing various types of new technology, including spread-spectrum. And they will also be in the forefront of building activity on our microwave bands. Again, as activity, we must have if we are to maintain these bands. You have heard, Use it or lose it. It is very true today. So I challenge everyone to do as much as they can to protecting our future." W3XO Tynan Here This years Special Achievement Award winner was John Kraus, W8JK. Professor Kraus is best known in the Amateur Radio Fraternity as the inventor of the W8JK beam and the big ear antenna. By now, may of you are probably saying that this was a year to honor the scientists and engineers whose' contributions have helped to bring the state of the art of ham radio technology to where it is today. The recipient of the 1996 Technical Achievement Award kept that trend alive, even though he was not able to be there in person. Bill Orr, W6SAI, designer, engineer and author could not make it to Hamvention '96. His close friend Joe Schroeder, W9JUV, accepted the award for him: "After the war, Bill took up serious DXing and as Dick mentioned earlier earned DXCC number 17 and WAZ number 4. That was a very, very competitive time. Everybody wanted to be the first to get those two awards, post war. After a short period with Huges Aircraft, Bill moved to San Francisco were he worked for about 28 years on power tube and transmitter design. The first amateur radio technical article appeared in QST in 1946. Since then he has written over 100 if not several hundred more along with his technical column on CQ and he has authored many books including the Radio Handbook, Beam Antenna Handbook and All About Cubical Quads. Bill is still active on the air on 18 and 24 megs plus a bit of 1296 FM. Truly a major contributor to amateur radio, Bill Orr well deserves to be honored for his technical excellence. It gives me very, very great pleasure to accept this honor on his behalf. Thank You." W9JUV (***** ATV AND FM SETTLE ON 450 MHZ Word from Hamvention '96 that the feud between the giant Mid-America Coordination Council and the users of amateur fast can television may be over. This, with the announcement that MACC is modifying its position on 450 MHz in band ATV repeaters. Dick Eisley, WD9GIG is the president of MACC: "The Mid-America Coordination Council, at its annual board meeting Friday night, in conjunction with the Dayton Hamvention, voted to rewrite its in house resolution recommending dealing with in band 70 cm ATV repeaters. And the motion, not exactly word for word, as I am doing this from memory, but in effect MACC has striped the sunset clause, if you will. The deadline for non- recognition of 70 cm in band ATV repeaters from its original recommendation. And also passed an addition recommendation strongly encouraging use of digital video compression technology. And also at the same token strongly urges actively the active discouragement of further in band 70 cm ATV. Now this is not to be confused with cross band ATV operations. MACC has nothing to say about cross band ATV operations, particularly those systems that are multiple ported inputs on 1200 and 900 MHz with an output on 440." WD9GIG Hopefully. this ends the problems between FM and ATV. (***** Its Sunday morning, May 19th as we record this newscast. Only a couple of hundred feet from here Hamvention goers are still mobbing the display area and the outdoor flea market. Another few hours and the rest of the prizes will be drawn. Minutes later, the roads out of town will be jammed with those who attended Hamvention '96. Most of them will be quick to tell you that they will be back a year from now to do it again. (***** CHAMPIONSHIP FOXHUNTS IN AUSTRALIA The IARU Region 3 Amateur Radio Direction Finding championships will be held in Townsville, Australia from the 15th to the 20th of July. Separate contests on separate days will be staged on two metres and ten metres. Each will be an all- on-foot event with five foxes on a multi-kilometer course under IARU rules. Hunters from Australia, Japan, China, Korea, New Zealand and Bulgaria will be competing. (***** NEWSLINE TERMINATING HOLLYWOOD LINE Effective May 30th, Newsline will be terminating its outgoing service on the Hollywood, (213) 462-0008 telephone line. Last month we announced that we would be discontinuing service on one of our two California lines as a cost saving measure. We were in the process of evaluating which line when the decision was made for us. The company that has provided office space for our equipment is moving and we must be out of their premises by the end of May. After May 30th, the only number serving all of Southern California will be area code (805) 296-2407 located in the Santa Clarita area. (***** FUND REPORT All of this brings us to the latest report on the funds available to keep Newsline on the air. This month we heard from the Great South Bay Amateur Radio Club of West Babylon, NY, the Michigan City Amateur Radio Club, and the WA9INM Repeater in Plymouth, IN. We heard for Sterling Guidry, WB5WPG of Mararo, LA, the Tulsa Repeater Assn, the Canadian Valley of Washington, OK, and the Joplin, MO Amateur Radio Club. Moving farther west, we heard from the Ski Country Amateur Radio Club of Carbondale, CO, Ken McLaughlin, KC7IFD of Kingman, AZ, and the Utah Amateur Radio Club of Salt Lake City. Also from Salt Lake we heard from regular contributor Linda Reeder, N7HVF. Thanks Linda. Moving to the left coast, we heard from the Northwest Amateur Radio Repeater Group in Everett Washington, Rodney Swanson of Glendale, OR, by way of Newsline founder, Jim Hendershot. From California we heard from the Sonoma County Radio Amateurs in Santa Rosa, Pete Cammarata, KF6BVK of Pinon Hills, the Valley Good Guys Amateur Radio Club of North Hollywood, Sam Panossian, KO6HE of San Morino, Anne Wright, N6BOP of Pomona, the Big Bear Lake Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Assn. and the Downy Amateur Radio Club. Remember the clubs that support us with the club name, repeater call and service area get a mention during the newscast id break. Listen for Andy again in about four weeks. (***** 80 METER GATEWAY WB6AAM says that he is testing an 80 meter packet gateway. The 80 meter frequency is approximately 3646 kHz on Lower Sideband. The Ka-Node callsign is WB6AAM-7 and will cross- connect to 144.91 MHZ in southern California. The mailbox callsign is WB6AAM-10. (***** SOUTH PACIFIC SATELLITE DX For those who haven't been listening lately, the South Pacific has been active on AO-13 and AO-10. K6CBI reports that C21/JA1WPX is QRV on Nauru and TE9RLI, is on Cocos. Both have had fairly good signals. (***** NOTICE OF DX CANCELLATION And AE4EZ, reports his DXpedition to Cocos Keeling and Christmas Islands has been canceled because he had to attend an emergency meeting at Tokyo. Ken plans to make another schedule in the future from these islands. (***** CROASIA QSL A ray of hope for all those who need a card from HH2PK. Patricks' new QSL-manager is Tom, 9A2AJ. Tom will soon get copies of all of Pats' logs. Send your card with S.A.S.E. plus ample postage to Tomislav Domany 6/X1X HR-41000 Zagreb, Croasia. (***** YHOTY '96 NOMINATIONS SOUGHT A reminder that the nominating period for 1996 "Young Ham of the Year Award" closes on June 30th. That means you have only a month and a half to compile a nominating package for the youngster you think should be named 1996 Newsline Young Ham of the Year. For those not aware, Newslines Young Ham of the Year Award is presented annually to a United States licensed Radio Amateur who is 18 years of age or younger and who has provided outstanding service to the nation, his community or the betterment of the state of the art in communications through the Amateur Radio hobby service. This years winner will receive an expense paid trip to the Huntsville Hamfest the weekend of August 17 and 18 courtesy of Yaesu USA Corporation. The winner will also get to spend a week in Spacecamp Huntsville as a guest of CQ Magazine. All nominations must be submitted before June 30, 1996 on an official application. Application forms are available by sending a self addressed stamped envelope mailed to the: 1996 Young Ham of the Year Award c/o Newsline 28197 Robin Avenue Saugus California 91350. These nominating applications are also available for electronic download from several sites that provide Newsline materials over the World Wide Web and from the general interest ham radio files area on GEnie and America Online. (***** And for this week, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. You can write to us at: NEWSLINE P.O.Box 660937 Arcadia, CA 91066 For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF at our editors desk, we at Newsline say 73 and we thank you for listening. (* * Newsline is Copyright 1996 & all rights reserved. * *